Our centre is a family oriented dojo specializing in training students in the martial arts. It is equally true here as it is everywhere that your future and growth is in your hands. You definitely get out of training what you put into it. At the Shaolin Kempo Training Centre we learn self protection skills along with the skills, thinking and mindset to protect those we love. As we train each of us grows into a better person and into a warrior in the deeper meaning of the ethos. The practice of Shaolin Kempo, brings Safety, Peace of mind, Health, Personal achievement, Growth, and Development in the spirit of Service, Community, through Continuous and never ending improvement, while having fun along the way!
Objective: Develop basics
Stances: Horse (front and side), half moon, crane, and forward stance
Hand strikes: Front two knuckle, thrust, back two knuckle, cross elbow, tiger claw and rake, knife hand (shuto), spear, palm heel, reverse knife
Leg strikes: Front ball and snap, back kick, side thrust, knee.
Blocks: Eight point blocking and follow up strikes
Combinations: no.s 6 and 7
Animals: Tiger Takes The Center
Forms: Rising sun (breathing exercise #1), blocking set
Drills: Single strikes, high-low
Falls: Forward, side, back
Jujitsu: Strangle, single lapel grab, arm lock, wrist grabs
Club: N/A
Knife: Slashing
Knowledge: Style, tying belt, the five animals, rules of the dojo
Objective: Improve basics
Stances: Fighting stance, twist stance.
Hand strikes: Crane, back fist, outward elbow, and downward elbow, reverse hammer
Leg strikes: Shuffling side thrust, hopping side thrust, blade kick, crescent and reverse crescent kick, and front heel.
Blocks: 8 point blocking with natural strikes, and cross block.
Combinations: #3
Animals: Sweeping Leopard
Forms: 1 pinan
Drills: Two of the same strikes to the same target or different targets. Step forward with single strike, low-high, and form combinations.
Falls: Falls from standing position
Jujitsu: Single and double wrist grab, bear hug, back grabs.
Club: N/A
Knife: Overhead
Knowledge: 5 principles of master a form(P-P-P-B-S /R/T) and elements of a Jujitsu (S-C-C).
Takedowns: Sweep.
Objective: Strength in the strikes
Stances: Cat stance and T-stance
Hand strikes: Back fist to the rear, driving knife, two-finger poke, leopard’s paw and rising elbow.
Leg strikes: Shuffling front ball, rear cross over side thrust
Blocks: Sword arm
Combinations: #2, #5
Animals: Leopard Limbs and Crane Flaps Its Wings
Forms: 2 pinan
Drills: Focus, reflex, lateral-diagonal, and gauntlet
Falls: Falls with a step, forward roll
Jujitsu: Two-handed wrist grab, double lapel (wing trap), front grabs, and rear strangle.
Club: Overhead
Knife: Slash and miss, Overhead (shoulder)
Knowledge: Characteristics of the five animals
Takedowns: Hip throw, front sweep, hock down
Objective: Good kicks and power in the punches
Stances: Back stance, Dragon stance and rotation with the dragon stance
Hand strikes: Driving hammer, inverted/reverse hammer with pivot, backhand, immortal man, trigger finger, ridge hand, inverted ridge hand, tiger’s mouth, uppercut
Leg strikes: Roundhouse traditional and kempo, spinning back kick, stepping stool, axe kick
Blocks: Eight point blocking with open hands and natural strikes, parry block, windmill, dropping palm
Combinations: #4, #18
Animals: Snake Takes A Pillar, Dancing Crane, Tiger Downs A Prey, SSDC Spinning Dragon
Forms: Heian Nidan, Blocking Set 2
Drills: Sparring, reaction drills, spin techniques, ducking, push-pull & freestyle, and kata combinations, kick counters
Falls: Revision and combinations, over an obstacle, forward roll standing, and rising to meet a punch with a technique
Jujitsu: Push-pull and sidelocks
Club: N/A
Knife: N/A
Knowledge: Read Ginshin Funakoshi’s “Karate-Do”
Takedowns: Ippon throw, scissor
N.B. We do not teach set counters against grabs and weapons (our “jujitsu’s) after Orange belt. We teach principle based kempo for these situations. The techniques included here are for historical reference to what I was taught as an under-belt and because they have great value if studied and not merely mimicked.
Objective: Precision and power in kicks
Hand strikes: Dropping ridge hand, bridge poke
Leg strikes: Hook kick, butterfly kick.
Blocks: Snake blocks, iron fortress
Combinations: 8 and 9
Animals: Constrictor, Crane Flips A Tiger, Tiger Raker, Kneeling Leopard
Forms: 1 kata, Pushing Palm
Drills: Stance transition, shadow boxing, dragon circle, ground fighting reversals and escapes, kata combinations
Jujitsu: headlocks
Knowledge: Read “Shaolin Five Animals”
Takedowns: Tai otoshi, combined techniques (2)
Objective: Balance with flow and increased control, Proper attitude
Hand strikes: Dropping palm, inverted ridge
Leg strikes: Spinning hook kick
Blocks: Downward double block, kick blocks, rolling elbow
Combinations: #12
Animals: Raking tiger, Dragon drops the ball
Forms: 2 kata
Drills: Kata combinations and applications, spinning & jumping kicks
Falls: Combinations
Jujitsu: shoulder grabs, from the stomach
Club: Poking
Knife: Downward
Knowledge: Three other martial art styles and their differences from each other and kempo.
Takedowns: Combinations and controls
Objective: Endurance and attitude
Stances: Crane from a jump, snake, closed kneel
Hand strikes: Willow palm, Buddha palm, beak strike, thumb strike, rising palm, eagle claw
Leg strikes: Jumping side thrust kick, Scissor kick, Dragon stomp
Blocks: 10 point blocking, dragon trap, and palm trap
Combinations: #14, #15, and #16
Animals: Dragon Cloud, White Leopard, and Twin Tiger
Kempos: SSDC Tigers: Tiger Kicks the Sand, Black Tiger, Smashing Tiger
Forms: 3 pinan, Statute of the Crane, Jo form
Drills: Dragon twisting and moving around a person, front grabs with motion, upper body takedowns, 10 kicks
Jujitsu: Ground work: Sweeping, freestyle from standing, blocking, defence, getting up, striking and control
Club: While being held with one hand
Knife: Slashing
Knowledge: “The Bible of Karate: Bubishi”
Takedowns: Hip block
Objective: Precision, flow in the forms
Stances: Reverse bow
Hand strikes: Rising punch, bear paw, snake bite, scissor knife, eagle claw
Leg strikes: Leopard kick
Blocks: Trapping blocks
Combinations: 10,11,17,19
Kempo’s: SSDC: Leopard rolls in High Grass, Leopard Tackles its Prey, Leopard Climbs Down the Tree
Animals: Biting Viper, Dragon Turns Away, and Leaping Leopard
Forms: 4 pinan, 5 pinan
Drills: Back grabs with motion, lower body takedowns
Falls: Revision and combination
Jujitsu: Lock ups
Gun: Role playing, Long range
Knowledge: Martial arts technique written exam, Tao Te Ching
Takedowns: Arm bar takedown, ankle manipulation, and leopard tackle, tiger roll
Objective: Control
Hand strikes: Snake tooth, spinning strikes, bear paw
Leg strikes: Scoop kick
Blocks: 4 point, Bo blocking set
Combinations: 1, 13, and 20
Kempo: SSDC Cranes: Crane’s Wing, Crane Takes Flight, Hopping Crane
Animals: Serpent’s Tooth, Crane jumps to Wind and Stars
Forms: 3 kata, 4 kata, Shushi No Kon Sho
Drills: Techniques against kicks and multiple kicks, unusual attacks, sticky legs, kempo sparring
Falls: Over two persons for length
Jujitsu: Ankle and knee grabs, groundwork
Knife: Front grab with knife
Knowledge: Read “Chi Kung” by Yang Jwing Ming
Takedowns: Sweeping and pulling with the legs
Objective: Speed
Hand strikes: Poison thumb and iron thumb
Leg strikes: Flying side thrust; jumping spinning reverse crescent, snake kick
Blocks: Bo blocking 2 person set
Combinations: 21, 25, 26
Kempo’s: SSDC: 3 snakes: Snake Coils Around Tree Branch, Snake Darts Out Tongue, Snake Shoots Venom
Animals: Iron Dragon, Tiger Breaks The Bone
Forms: 5 kata, Bo form
Drills: Blindfolded kumite, 4 strikes with one spinning and a kick, bo set
Falls: Review and practice including different heights
Jujitsu: Blindfolded kumite, escapes (strategic and technical grabs)
Club: Double clubs (mushin)
Knife: Back grabs with knives
Knowledge: Self defence concepts, the effects of strikes, the 5 Tibetans, written exam of 20 questions
Takedowns: Removing the pillar w/sweeping leg motion, judo lift
Objective: Review; Refine; Prepare to become a black belt
Hand strikes: Dragon hand, Buddha hand
Leg strikes: Spinning wheel kick, angular kick, smash kick
Blocks: Dropping elbow, Buddha Swallow
Combinations: 22, 23, 24
Kempo’s: SSDC: 3 Dragons: Dragons Rides the Wind, Dragon Whips Tail, Twin Dragons
Animals: Dragon Finds Vessels, Fluttering Crane, Snakes Crushes Root
Forms: 2 man fist set, Bo form 2
Drills: Sparring multiple attackers
Jujitsu: sparring multiple attackers
Knives: attacker with 2 knives
Knowledge: Teaching, must create a snake, and crane and one kempo from the forms
Takedowns: Knocking both pillars—sweeping techniques
Objective: In depth study of beginner material
Stances: Open Kneel Stance
Hand strikes: Hansuki Fist, Torque punch, Shaolin Long Fist & complete exploration of spinning techniques
Leg strikes: Double jumping front ball, Angular kick,Tiger smash & complete exploration of spinning techniques
Blocks: Falling leaf, First half of plum tree blocking
Combinations: 27, 28, 29, 30, 40
Kempo’s: Loose Hands and Waving Hands in Clouds
Animals: Waving Hands in Clouds, Loose Hands, Snake Poke, Crane Lands with Strikes, Revolving Tiger
Forms: #6 Kata, Hansuki, 1st Sai, Iaido
Drills: 6 strikes in one second with spin and kick
Situational: No mind club and guns with role playing; against 2 knives
Knowledge: Read Tao Of Jeet Kun Do, Shaolin Chin na, Book of Five Rings; Microcosmic orbit